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Laojun Taiwan, Dongbei Yu in Luyi County. Were built to commemorate Lao Zi. According to the Qing dynasty, "Luyi County" Description: "Tempo two years (734 years) to build Taiqing altar. Wenchang Temple in Taiwan in mind." Platform 13 meters high, is a big brick building in ancient times, from 14 in a plane surrounded high altar-shaped ancient buildings, Zhuangruo cylindrical and angular, the top area of 765 square meters, an area slightly larger than the bottom.

Immortals Legend I, soaring in here, hence the name "rose Sendai". A total of 32 under the gate layer of bluestone steps, with the former main hall floor, just for the 33 level, is in line I said liter of 33 layer blue sky. Laojun Taiwan into the gate, is the main hall, Miankuo 3, into the deep, the hard-mountain-style architecture of Qing Dynasty, the hall of the West in a side hall. Close the 13 cypress green lush, year-round cool breeze, birds Feiming. Audience waves Yanai, Ying whirl lake, the scenery is pleasant. Ying Xu gate in the south about the central axis line, in turn is expected to Xianqiao, Ming Palace, Wenchang Palace, octagonal pavilion, swimming dragon embankment Square, the father of Church teaching such million. Near St. Paul, "I Hometown," "ceremony at the Confucius asked," two stele. Church letter "to the ancient Yong Chuan SongRenli "under the title" days of high Proximity Taiqing Palace ", Mei Juan" million teach ancestors, "as the book Canggu Emotion. Liters Sendai moral GAO Chong because I, as it always attracted visitors flocked to Gaozu Li Yuan, high-Song Li Zhi, Li Longji Hyun Song, Song True Song Zhao Huan, as well as a great writer Su East Side, Ouyang Xiu, and so have to come here, or worship towards the ancestors, or the visual impact tour, leaving the immortal poem chapter.