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64F ~ 84F
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Located 35 km. to the South-West of Xi'an. This temple is a famous historical site where Kumarajiva (344-413) once resided. Surviving until the present time is the stupa of Kumarajiva, which is the main tourist attraction of the temple. The temple is known as one of the "Eight Scenic Places of Chang'an/Guang Zhong." The temple follows the standard of temple architecture prominent throughout China to date.

A well inside the temple possesses quite a unique character that it emits gusts of mist now and then. The Annals of Huxian County read "There is a piece of stone on one side, halfway down the well. The legend goes that whenever there is a snake lying on the stone, the mist would come out, clouding over the southwestern part of Chang'an". The mist traveling as far as the ancient imperial capital of Chang'an under favorable winds, represent one of the eight tourist attractions of Chang'an-The Mist of Caotang Temple. The real cause of the mist, however, might be geothermal vapour, which, once out of the well, gets mixed with the smoke of incense over the temple. An elegant and antique-looking pavilion has been built over the well. It has the inscriptions by the famous calligrapher and Buddhist Zhao Puchu, "The Misty Well."

The temple is richly planted with lush cypresses and bamboo, and fragrant flowers. The quiet environment and fresh air make it an ideal place for tourists.