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75F ~ 90F
Showers To Moderate Rain
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Cangwu Guangdong Center is located in Cangwu County of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is 12km from Wuzhou City. It is the oldest Guangdong Center in Guangxi. It is said that, the goods entered into Guangxi, then the Dragon Fair as the gater place, the businessmen would stationed in it.

In the 53d of Qinglong years, the Guangdong Center was repaired by a large-scale extension project. So it was formed the building scale. The Guangdong Center covers an area of 537 square meters, the building area if 459 square meters. The halls on the both sides ara pulled donwn after the Cultural Revolution. Nowadays, the statues in the nave and the rear court room are existing and it is a famous historical site between Guangdong and Guangxi.