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The small lane, 150 meters long and three meters wide, is visited by over 1,000 customers per day all the year round.

In 2003, Wuchang district government planned to improve the Hankou breakfast snack services in the lane. It rebuilt the lane with Ming and Qing dynasty architectural styles. It set up a cultural wall, 19 meters long and three meters high, along the lane, to promote Hankou style breakfast snacks.

Hubu Lane snacks have become a synonym for Hankou style breakfast services. Wuhan has a popular saying, which is to "have breakfast snacks in Hubu Lane in the morning and dinner at Jiqing Street at night."

Hubu Lane has a long history as a place to visit. The narrow lane was clearly marked on a map of Hubei and Guangdong during the reign of Emperor Jiajing of Ming Dynasty, revealing that the lane is at least a history of 400 years. Hubu Lane was popular throughout history. It was known as a neighbor to the east of the Hubu office (the ministry of revenues in feudal China). The lane, adjoining wharfs, was permeated with an endless stream of vehicles and noisy passengers. Hardworking residents of the lane cooked delicious snacks of Hankou style, featuring fresh, fragrant, fast and hot food, to serve crowds. The reputation soared and endured.