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66F ~ 81F
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      Sheng'en Temple of Guangfu in Suzhou enjoyed a special relationship with the care of the royal family of Ming Dynasty.During the 14th year of rule by Emperor Hongwu(Zhu Yuanzhang) of Ming Dynasty(1381 A.D.),Zhu Yuanzhang called in the monks of the temple,wrote a calligraphy scroll for the temple and granted lots of materials.Moreover,he wrote several poems for the temple.During the 8th year of rule by Emperor Zhengtong(Zhu Qizhen) of Ming Dynasty(1443 A.D.),the emperor awarded the temple a board inscribed with the "Royal Grace and Longevity Buddhist Temple".After the "Tumu Fortress Incident" and the restoration of Zhu Qizhen,the emperor awarded again the temple a board inscribed with the "Royal Grace Buddhist Temple" in the 3rd year of rule by Emperor Tianshun(1459 A.D.).

      Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty made several southern tours during the intervals of the warfare and foreign affairs with Russia in the north.In the 28th year of his rule(1689 A.D.),Kangxi arrived at Dengwei Hill in Guangfu of Suzhou and stayed at Sheng'en Temple during his second southern tour.He granted the temple his calligraphy work of "Pine,Breeze,Brook and Moon",200 liang state treasury gold and several poems that he wrote for the temple.Kangxi's behavior implies his comparison and competition with the outstanding emperors of the former dynasty.More importantly,he expected to manifest the "Royal Grace" of the Qing Dynasty in the temple that boasted of the grace of the former dynasty of Ming.His behavior is also a way to resolve the resentment of the monks and the laymen toward the Qing Dynasty.