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Shenzhen Weather

75F ~ 82F
E at 20km/h To 30km/h
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Swallow Sailing Club is located in the beautiful environment of the Shenzhen Dapeng Jinshuiwan Dapeng Ancient City, adjacent to the famous Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station. Sailing is a sea sport with entertainment, ornamental and recreational. Swallow sailboat make every effort to popularize and promote sailing, so the public can access, understand and like this swept the world in fashion movement. Club with more than 10 vessels of high-performance sailing, it is the only club allows you to personally sailing in Shenzhen and the country. Here, you only take a very short time (about 15 minutes) and a very cheap price (120 yuan / hour) will be able to personally sailing.
Traffic: bus line 360, and then take a bus to Kim inlets Resort
Tickets: 100 yuan / hour