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The "Millennium ancient concept," Fitch's Chin Chee Yang Temple, one of the earliest Taoist in Shanghai. According to legend, when the three countries built for his mother Wu Sun Quan, the Qing Emperor Qianlong to "Chin Chee Yang Temple." Worship Dongyuetaidi. It is also called "Dongyue palace."

The 35-year Hall of the Qing Emperor Qianlong (1770), after reconstruction, there Dongyue, three clear, Cheng Huang, Kuan and other more than Hall, all six hundred statue statues. Every year since three, four, seven, September pilgrims flocked we do not, the birth of the Lunar Dongyue March 28, also held a "Lotus Boat Club", incense and more prosperous. Every first day, fifteen or other Taoist festival, devotees followed the Quartet, the HongSmoke filled, crowded.

Address: Pudong New Area, No. 476 Yuan Shen Road,

Phone:021 -58,828,689


5 yuan