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Ganden Monastery is the status of the Yellow Sect of the six most special temple a temple, it is by the founder of the Gelug Sect of Buddhism Tsongkhapa himself in 1409 to build, can be said that the Gelug Sect of the ancestral temple, the Qing emperors had given names To Yongshou Temple. Kandal is a Tibetan transliteration, meaning "Tusita days", which is the future Buddha Maitreya, the edification of the world. Tsongkhapa';s Fazuo heirs, calendar World Gelugpa teaching soil Ganden Tripa is living temple. Temple is still preserved in ancient remains of Ganden Tripa Pagoda in more than 90 seats, and since the possession of many of the Ming Dynasty artifacts and crafts.

Ganden standing hillside, group F, overlap, majestic and impressive. The whole buildingBuilding groups by the Buddha, La chapters palaces, monasteries and rice lake village and its subsidiary construction unit. 1419, Tsongkhapa passed away at the Ganden Monastery, the pagoda pagoda within the remaining flesh Tsongkhapa.

Ganden Monastery in Tibet is rich in precious historical relics, including the Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong in 1757 gave the monastery-studded gold and silver jewelry, books are in four languages of the Han, Manchu, Mongolian and Tibetan armor, national super heritage, writing for gold Khan into the Tibetan "Tripitaka" in the set of "Kanjur" Buddhist, by sixteen Lohan and package composed of four kings of the tapestry twenty-four Thangka "Don embroidered" These cultural relics have demonstrated the Ming and Qing two generations of the central governmentGovernment and the close relationship between Tibet. One twenty-four to show three weeks to form a grand scale the monastery';s annual "Festival of Ganden embroidered Tang."

Interestingly, Lunch: noon prosperous years, the monks filed into the temple hall imperial measures. Each finding a good location, sitting in the middle of the teacher started to sing with the cattle, the voice of Scripture, the whole hall rang out one after another voice chorusing. Halfway, kozo capture a signal that people like the sudden, suddenly all jumped up, "mounted the pedal" to escape the classroom, uninformed thought they were skipping class to go, after a while to see each hand mentioned in theA large pot back, just know that they are taking buttered tea to go. After finished, the monks began to drink the Tibetan butter tea and eat cake, eat and then continue reading.

A snack at the Ganden Monastery entrance food, noodles 3 yuan, a small pot of butter tea and sweet tea is 4 yuan, 6 yuan in the pot, large pot 8.


Ganden Monastery in Lhasa, the territory of the south bank of the Lhasa Dazi 3800 meters above sea level on the mountain wave Wong, 57 kilometers away from Lhasa. Pakistan went to the Jokhang Temple Square every morning 7:00 start, round-trip fare is 20 yuan, the journey of more than 2 hours, 14:00 to return the original car.


Tickets are 45 yuan, Tibetans free.

Opening hours 9:00 am-16: 00.