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As the three major monasteries in Lhasa, one of the Sera Monastery Jokhang status may not be high, probably better than Drepung macro scale, but with its unique style. Sera is called "salad Mahayana Island", located in the northern suburb of Lhasa, the color La Wuzi foot. Mountain side river, trees trees, towering golden dome reflected in the blue sky under the care Olympus brilliance, dazzling.

Sera were the origin of two different ways: First, nowadays the monastery foundation a hail, hail Tibetan pronunciation is the "salad", so built on called "Sera" for "Hail Temple"; another way , the monastery was built in a wild QiangWei took place in full bloom, Wild Rose Tibetan pronunciation of "salad", so the Tibetan monastery for "Wild Rose Garden Temple." It is the disciples of Tsongkhapa Shakya Yeshe purple blue guitar in the seventh year of the Yongle built.

Sera patchwork, by the Buddha, by the Church, lake (monastery), shag and Hong Estate and Cemolin and thermal vibration of the assassination of the Grand Living Buddhas and other famous palaces and other buildings chapter units. Sera as the main supply horse King Pluto. Chin hall hidden in more than 200 measures letter "Kanjur", "Tengyur" gold juice by copying the whole book is very valuable. And its west and east of the Great Hall of Ocean King Temple Wade alsoWorth a look, there are Buddha Yeshe wood brought from the Mainland Ocean, as well as a treasured gift Yongle Emperor personally treasure - Yongle edition of "Tripitaka."

1, in the Sera Monastery northeast tower can see the sun Buddha overlooking the entire Sera. Shoton year are also held here in the sun in the Buddhist ceremony.
2, the temple preserves many of the large hall over the old murals, it is recommended to bring a flashlight.

Debate by the Sera Monastery is the biggest thing, debate by around 15:00 in the afternoon. Debating is the Sera MonasteryThe kind of catch on the athletic field, or the four or five groups of two or three individuals, one sat on the floor, one standing around, emotions, dancing, parties concentrate, observers with relish, is a great pleasure travel, even though you did not understand.


Sera Monastery in Lhasa at the color La Wuzi 3km northwest foothills. Mother Road in the heat (by Beijing East Road) bus station to take the 5, 3 per ticket. Can also take a taxi to go, about 15 million. Can also rent a bike to, Half an hour to get there.


Tickets are 55 yuan, Tibetans free. From October 20 to April 20 next year the implementation of 25 per season ticket. After five tickets for the evening as long as 5 yuan, though missed the debate by, but the quiet temple is unprecedented among the garden walk in all alone to experience peace.

Opening hours 9:00 am-18: 30, 16:00 off the individual permitted.