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Jokhang Temple was built in the seventh century heyday of the Tubo Dynasty, the purpose of construction, according to legend is clearly a long time to worship a Buddha Dorje, that is 8 years old, life-sized Buddha image. The Buddha was the Tibetan King Songtsan married the princess of Nepal-foot statue brought from Kathmandu. Experience on behalf of the temple after the expansion.

Twelve-year-old life-sized town such as the Jokhang Temple Monastery is now the treasure, which is great from the Chang Tang Wencheng brought the princess to Tibet, and eight life-sized, as enshrined in the eighth century was transferred to the Ramoche.

Construction had to pack the Jokhang Temple goat soil, which was the first Buddhist temple named "Temple of the sheep earth goddesses."1409, Tsongkhapa, founder of the Gelug Sect of merit for the praise of Buddha, Tibetan Buddhist sects called monks, the monastery held a mass Zhao Dafa, was renamed after the Jokhang temple.

Jokhang Temple is Tibet';s most brilliant Tibetan existing period of construction, is Tibet';s oldest building civil engineering structures, creating a Tibetan-style temple Hirakawa-style layout rules. Integration of the Tibetan Jokhang Temple, Tang, Nepal, India';s architectural style, Tibetan religious architecture through the ages to become a model.

4 layers of high Jokhang Temple, the building is golden dome, typical of the Han style brackets. Towers, carved beams are in TibetStyle, the main hall two, three eaves wood arranged in rows of 103-volt beast and the Sphinx, but also the style of presentation characteristics of Nepal and India. Temple has a long mural near km Tibetan "Tibet map of Princess Wen Cheng" and "the construction of the Jokhang Temple map", as well as two protective deities Ming embroidery Thangka, which is dedicated to the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism, the Buddhist Tantric The two, as the rare art treasures.

Tip: pm on the 2nd floor platform for debate by Lama will be worth a look. The dome from the Jokhang Temple (top floor) for a distance, the Potala Palace.

Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, the "heart" in Tibetan areas has supremeStatus. Jokhang Temple door measuring with a body of believers is always the most moving scenes, if you have time, you can sit in the sun in the winter sun temple door, in a daze.


Walking distance from the city center, or off by Brazil in the possession of the hospital, if you need to 4 yuan tricycles, taxis starting fee of 10 yuan.


8 tickets5 yuan, Tibetans free. October 20 each year to the next April 20 the implementation of 35 per season ticket. If the photographic subject in the large hall to spend 90 yuan to buy a photography permit.

Opening Hours :7:00-12 :00,15:00-18: 30. 11:30 am before the main opening for the religious people, and then open to visitors.