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Hangzhou Weather

68F ~ 84F
Cloudy To Sunny
E at 20km/h
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    Forest Park is located 20 kilometers from Hangzhou. It occupies 60 hectares (148 acres) of land, and offers visitors the opportunity to experience the beautiful forests and bamboo groves of the Hangzhou region. Walking paths wind through the park past waterfalls, lakes and deep ravines, and the air is fragrant with wildflowers in the warmer months.

    Cuizhu Mountain Lodge, located inside the park, has standard guest rooms, luxury suites, a multi-purpose hall and conference room.

Address:Dongmingshan, Liangzhu County, Yuhang District, Hangzhou

Contact:0571 8879 7130 (Tel)

Hours: 07:30 - 17:00, 18:30 - 20:30

Price: RMB 20

Getting there: Bus No.513