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Hangzhou Weather

68F ~ 82F
Cloudy To Light Rain
E at 30km/h To 20km/h
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    The most romantic, in origin, of the ten scenic sites is surely the one called Melting Snow on Broken Bridge. According to legend, Broken Bridge, which is not really broken, but is a traditional arched stone bridge, is the site where two lovers, Xu Xian and a beautiful maiden, who is actually a white snake, met and fell madly in love. In early spring, when the snow begins to melt, it melts on one side of the bridge first, due the fact that the other side is in shade, which gives the bridge a split image. Viewed from a distance, it looks as if one half of the bridge has been ripped off, since the snowy side blends perfectly in with the surrounding landscape (hence the bridge's name)

     Ts name is seen in the folktale of Madam White Snake, where the touching and sad love story of Lady White and Xu Xian begins when they meet at the Broken Bridge and borrow the umbrella as their love-promise. In addition, the Remaining Snow o­n the Broken Bridge is also o­ne of the famous "Ten Scenes of the West Lake".