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Zhoushan Weather

61F ~ 75F
NW at 40km/h To 30km/h
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Located 6 km southwest of Danzhou, a radius of hundreds of years, surrounded by green hills, trees Pinnacle. The lake in a low-lying valley of the Great Basin, the water calm. Lake has a large rubber plantation, the Casuarina forest, mountains constitute a watercolor painting.

Cloud Lake has a resort on the resort the way to play around a lot in the grass playing cards, playing chess in the tree-lined side, girls light swinging in the trees, or around their children who are chasing new things , playing the golf course, coach';s lead in swing into battle; also will go through the resort not far from the "House" which was sharedReputation at home and abroad Tropical Botanical Garden, an eye-opener; night fell, the resort club become a friend, a good place for networking, drinks and Shen Kan, howling, or carnival, are not subject to any restrictions; Pachao guest, you can called on one or two, or three to five friends know or do not know, to the clouds on the lake shore to enjoy a quiet comfort in the exchange. Lunar Lake Resort is a good place for swimming and boating.

In addition, there is also produced in the cloud can eat freshwater fish on the lake.


1, by the sea to the province of large steam express it, that great cloud on the lake to the green bus.

2, the car: the sea off the coastal line running all the way west elm, two hours through the Danzhou, and then move a few kilometers to the "cloud on the lake resort."