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Qin Liangyu was a general who fought the Manchus as they invaded China at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

Qin Liangyu's Cemetery was located in the eastern 7km of Shizhu Town, covered an area of more than 20 hectares and built in 1648. It faced to Dragon River and backed to Huilong Mountain. In the garden, there was buzzed pines and bamboo witness outside the garden, then in the middle of the cemetery was two tombs of Qin Liangyu. It was said that a total of tombs of Qin Liangyu was 48 seats, but which was true or false? The people can't distinguish. Both sides of the stele, there are Kylins. On the left and right sides are azure lion, white elephant, stone tomb figure, stone horse. There were more than 20 tombs of Qin Liangyu's brothers, posterities and general in the cemetery. In front of the cemetery, you can see the "fairy cave" on the river side, that is the group of cliff coffin.

Ticket: CNY5