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Baigong Guan is located at the foot of Geleshan Hill (or Gele Hill) in Shapingba District (3.2km/2 miles west of Hongyancun Village). It was originally a Sichuan warlord's pied-a-terre, but it was taken over by the notoriously brutal Dai Li - head of the Nationalist (KMT) secret police - and turned into a prison in 1939. Two years later, the U.S. spy agency SACO (Sino-American Cooperation Organization), which trained secret agents for the KMT, housed its servicemen here. It reverted to a prison in 1945, and it was here that the KMT slaughtered several hundred Communists and dissidents before retreating to Taiwan in 1949. The incident is known as the Bloodbath of 11/27, and many locals still come here to pay homage on that date.

The wooden buildings that were used as a prison are open to visitors. Photos of prisoners are displayed on the walls with poems and excerpts from letters - some in English translation - reflecting the political idealism of an earlier age.

This prison held members of the Communist Party who were then tortured and murdered at location before and after the rise to power of Communism in China. Visitors can see the torture chambers and dungeon-like cells the prisoners were kept in.