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White Tiger Stream Natural Scenic Spot is located in Yangfang Town, Changping District and is an offshoot of Taihang Mountains.Inside the area, peaks are standing randomly, and mountains are continuous and magnificent. The scenic spot is known as "Mystery Mountains with Thousands of Peaks", and is one of the famous "Eight Scenes of Yanping".The scenic spot has amazing scenes such as limitless mountains, boundless sea of clouds, strange stones and peaceful valleys, and prosperous forests.The three landscapes inside the scenic spot are magnificent mountain peaks, deep and serene valleys, and streams with cross flows. "Zhubi Mountain" is the soul of the thousands of peaks. It was named after the inscription "Zhubi" by Zhang Emperor of Jin Dynasty upon sightseeing here.There are also plenty of historical sites in the area, including stone bed, stone chessboard, Shibapan Temple, Guaer Temple and Xianren Suo.The scenic spot is embraced on three sides by mountains, while only the southeast part is plain. The unique terrain makes the climate here different form the outside.
In the area, steep rocks, grotesque peaks, caves, and prosperous trees and flowers are scattered; strange stones are everywhere and the mountains and streams forms a beautiful scene. Among them "Shuiquan Channel, White Dragon Pond, Black Dragon Pond and Moon Pond" are amazing scenes, while "Fantian Seal, Sky-kissing Pillar, and Shouting at the Sky" are lifelike stones, which are of elegant shapes and profound meanings.Furthermore, Xuanbing Cave, Bat Cave, Xianyou Cave, White Dragon Pond, Black Dragon Pond, and Moon Pond are amazing scenes rarely found in anywhere else.
Ticket: 10 yuan