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Stone village

The Sanming Shibi Village is a transit point of the Hakka migration in the history of China, known as the "cradle of the Hakka. Song Dynasty neo Yin "Yang, Luo Yan, Zhu Xi, and the Qing Dynasty painting one of the" Eight Eccentrics "Huang Shen and Qing Dynasty Calligraphy Four" one of the Yi Bingshou and other historical figures were born here. Taining Book of the national key protection units on behalf of many, Ming and Qing era buildings, stone group and other cultural ... View Detail

Nectar rock temple

Ganluyan Temple built in Song Dynasty, and the minister's mansions of Ming Dynasty are listed in the National Important Historic Relics Protection Units, there situated the formerl residences of celebrities such as Zhu DE, Zhou Enlai, Peng Dehuai and Yang Shangkun etc. There are about 180 scenic spots such as Flat Lake, Lover Lake, Hidden Valley and Maze Cave,Green Valley and Whitewater Brook, A Line Sky on Water, Ladder between Valleys, Large Waterfall, Tiantai Rock, Hutou Fort, Cat ... View Detail

Martyr Monument

Ninghua Martyr Monument is located in the top of North Hill Cuijiang Town Ninghua County. It is 18m high and it is made with white granite. The face of the stele body is carved with "revolutionary martyrs are immortal". In front of the pedestal of the tablet, there is a tablet inscription and buiding up and down platforms. The length of the superstratum is 20m, the width is 15m and the length of the substratum is 40m, the width is 30m. During the second civil war, Ninghua County is the ... View Detail

Will be cleared Bridge

There are two rivers around Sha River and Hugong River of Gongchuan Ancient Town, one is from south to north, the other one is from west to east. They are meeting at the south gate of Gongchuan. At the end of Hugong River, there is building an ancient bridge that are connected with Gong Fort and Wu Gorge. When it is the rainy season, the river water of Hugong River is muddy, but Sha River is clear.The length of the bridge is 41m, width is 7m and the deck is 8.1m high. There are wooden houses on ... View Detail

Julong Temple

Ju long Buddhist temple located in mingxi County Maple River Township is located 1.5 km on top of Shoushan, is 760 meters above sea level, was built in the Tang dynasty Kai yuan nine years (721), commonly known as Chui Ping. Past Nebula after repairs. Ming Shun seven years (1463) reconstruction, the Qing dynasty was renamed "ju long Buddhist temple".The magnificent temple scenery, temples and magnificent, bamboo and spring onion cage and a pleasant climate, are the only places of Hongo ... View Detail

Temple roof (Li Yan Monastery)

The original name of Lijia Rock is Tiantai Rock. In the late of Ming Dynasty, Li Chunye ever studied here, later he worked as War Minister and the prince's teacher. So it was called "Lijia Rock" by the later geneerations. Tiantaiyan Tempel is a place for him to study, so it is also called "Lijiayan Monastery".Boarding 500m along an old ladder, there is a corridor hung on the cliff. The opening of corridor is facing outside with iron and wood around it, so that it is ... View Detail

Abbey card

Zhengjue Temple was also called Zhengguo Temple. It was built in AD. 620, and it was 288 years eariler than Yongquan Temple of Drum Hill. It was said that the temples on the Drum Hill were made follow Zhengjue Temple. So the people said that the Zhengjue Temple of Jiangle was built firstly, then the Yongquan Temple of Drum Hill was built follow Zhengjue Temple.Zhengjue Temple looks like angiopteris lygodiifolia. It was divided into up-hall, medi-hall and down-hall. There are carved beams ... View Detail

Book Section

The compound, commonly known as Wufutang (Five-fortune Hall), was the residence of defense minister Li Chunye of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Built in the 1620s, the residence has over 120 rooms and covers an area of 5,220 square meters. The spectacular residence was built with bricks, stone and timber. A typical residence of high court officials of the 17th century, the compound is home of numerous tablets, stone and wood carvings and other ancient relics. Although the residence is more than ... View Detail

Ahn Jung-Fort

The special migration process of Hakka will inevitably be a conflict of interest with the aborigines, highly excluded. So, the places for Hakka to live are mostly sparsely populated mountains and remote place, and built homes have sought protection safety, so the Earth Building (Tulou) of Yongding County, Fujian and round houses of Ganzhou, jiangxi came into being. Fujian Yong'an is one of the Hakka settlements, and this time visited to a Hakka masterpiece deep in the mountains - Anzhen Fort ... View Detail

Chen Ancestral Halls

Chen's Ancestral Hall is a palatial architecture of Ming Dynasty. It is near mountains and water, and very beautiful. Now it is a Municipality Protected Historic Site, and also one of the famous tourist attracitons in Fujian. It was built in 1650, and rebuilt in Qing Dynasty Kangxi and Guangxu Years.The ancestral hall is sitting west and facing east. Its modelling is simple and unsohisticated and elegance, and its structure is thick and solid of the wood carving, stone carving and brick ... View Detail