Liu'an Weather

70F ~ 81F
E at 20km/h
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Liu'an Attractions - All
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Horizontal head

Port from the Soviet Union Street, Pi River main channel, horizontal head, nine public and four scenic spots Walled composition, zonal distribution sites, more compact, scenic area of 54 square kilometers. Scenic area adjacent to the Nanjing-Xi';an Railway and 312,105 National Road, traffic is very convenient. Scenic Area hills, reservoirs, both plain, the south than in the north end of the total terrain, scenic mountain range is a branch of the Dabie Mountains, rich in wildlife resources, ... View Detail

Ma Zongling Nature Reserve

Ma Zongling Dabie Mountains Nature Reserve is a unique natural palace, is a primitive, ancient, full of green treasure. Ma Zongling appreciation of the core area and the surrounding natural as many as 60 points, peaks, pines, unusual flowers, rocks throughout the region, mountains, water features, Woodgrove patchwork, reflect each other. Ma Zongling hundred meters before the hanging magnificent waterfalls; interesting Sandiequan deep in the core area and the endless forests; Lingtou ruins of ... View Detail

Tongluozhai Resorts

Located 68 km southwest of the county Department of Huoshan. According to the Qing dynasty, "Huoshan" record: "Tongluozhai winds from the white tip from a peak of standing up there, driving under the pine tip Ye cliffs. Rukou Ming Chang Hsien-chung, who avoid their previous home, prompting thieves to call Ping go, Lei out of farming, so the gong name. " Tongluozhai was built in the Ming Dynasty, solitary cottage rises, peak elevation of 1096 meters, Qiaoba steep, Songqi strange stone, a sister ... View Detail

Foshan million

Foshan is located in southwest million Shucheng, from the Hefei 140 km away from Lake 60 km Shucheng Ten Thousand Buddhas, with a total area of 50 square kilometers. 95% forest coverage, the negative oxygen ion, is a national tourist areas, national forest parks, national geological parks and national nature reserves. Foshan million for the main peak of the old big Foxi Nan Foding disk blocks like Maitreya, imposing, surround and protect the surrounding peaks, the formation of the Buddhas ... View Detail

Swallow Creek Grand Canyon

Jinzhai County is located within the village birds Town Chapu, Google is about 1,700 meters deep valley about 200 meters. Densely covered with granite on the bottom like a stone mortar, stone bed, bath, footprints, cave shape, smooth lines, smooth, fantastic. From the upper reaches of the east into a valley about 800 meters, roadside trees Millennium willow. The tree trunk is 20 meters high, can only be hand encircled 5. Shade, such as crown cover, crown diameter of about 30 meters. Vertical ... View Detail

West Anhui Great Rift Valley

Located 25 kilometers south Luan, is a wonder of the rare mountain cleft. Peasant uprising leader Chang Hsien-chung Ming Luan captured after hiding in the stationed themselves, with the risk and refuse. Great Rift Valley Scenic Area was originally called "Avoid Wang Yan", the local people commonly known as the "three Barrier." The whole area like a three lotus root, narrow only one person home at the foot width at the elite to hide tens of millions. Vertical cliffs on both sides, several feet ... View Detail

Longjing River Grand Canyon

Longjing River Grand Canyon in the north of the Dabie Mountains peak Huoshan white tip, white tip from Forest Park only 4 km. Grand Canyon 15 km long, 400 meters deep, wide and 40-300 meters in groups canyon waterfall, rocks everywhere, Castle Peak relative, magnificent. Falls groups: group size falls within the canyon more than hundred, of which there are three large waterfalls. The biggest one is 58 meters high Longjing River Falls. Anadromous and crashing waterfalls and to the vision, seven ... View Detail

Geological Museum of the Dabie Mountains

Tiantangzhai Scenic Area is located. Museum started in December 2006, May 14, 2007 to complete all construction, decoration, exhibition work and officially opened. Construction area of 3,000 square meters, the main exhibition area of 1,000 square meters. Mountain Area museum covers all the typical rock (ore) material samples and the state primary and secondary protection of animal and plant specimens, a domestic first-class production technology and high-tech exhibition program, thousands of ... View Detail

Confucius Temple Huoqiu County

Located in the northeast corner of town, was built in the Yuan to shun year (1331), after more than 30 times the maintenance, expansion and renovation, and gradually form an area of 4,000 square meters of buildings. Whole building is divided into three courtyards, in the Confucian Temple, Confucian East to the West for the didactic house. The existing Great Hall. Published in 1983 as the county-level key protection units. View Detail