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Fifteen kilometers northwest of the city in the urban place. Chiang Jiang Taigong hometown was originally a large tribe. 1995 Tang Dynasty unearthed in the tomb spring grandfather, great-grandfather had recorded the original spring called "ginger plateau." According to the "Bamboo Annals", said Jiang Taigong died of "Kang six weeks," Oct. 20. Hundred and thirty-year-old year-round. Great-grandfather buried in Hui Quan.

The territory has retained many of the Grandfather Jiang Tai Gong Quan historical sites, including the more famous are: Jiang Taigong tomb, Jiang Taigong Temple, Jiang Taigong Temple, Jiang Taigong Lvwang lists.

Knowledge: three days of the eighth lunar month in 1210 BC, Jiang Taigong FestivalGreat-grandfather was born in Hui Quan Lu village. Jiang Taigong also known Lvtai Gong, were still, the word Ziya, No. Feixiong. Western Zhou Dynasty of China, a famous statesman, military strategist. This is quite a strong history of legendary figures, there are a lot of name for the name alone, such as the "Supplements Records Han Zhu table ten," recorded in his name are: Tai Gong Wang, Lv Wang, Zhou Wang, Lu teeth, Lu still, Jiang Wang, Wang Shang, Shi Wang, ginger male, old ginger, Lu and so on.