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It was built in the 1920s by Philippine Chinese Huang Xiuhuoliang and his Jinjiang countryman Mr. Huang Nianyi. The symmetrical villa complex is particularly magnificent, with its middle villa decorated with palatial architecture.

Hi Heaven is split into three major sections. The first is the original living area for the family, now also used for the Nanyin Music concerts. The dome under which the musicians perform is quite unusual and not normally found in buildings of this size but indicates that a high ranking official originally lived in the house.

The second area was originally the guest quarters or hotel, but is now used to host the puppet shows. The puppet show is worth seeing. The young puppeteers are highly skilled, spinning plates and throwing batons to one another in well rehearsed synchronized slapstick routines.

The final area is the one that originally provided the concubines with their accommodation but is now used as a café, the Hi Heaven Café.

Add: No.42, Fujian Road

Admission: RMB60/person

Hours: 8:30-17: 30.