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Tower stands majestically in the river and the Yangtze River at the intersection of Dyke Qingyi, and half by half cuddle downtown River, the ancient reputation of "the river Hibiscus", the Department of key units in Wuhu.

The tower was built during the Wanli Jiang, Forty and six years (1618), Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi eight years (1669) continued construction completed. Feng Shui pavilion-style brick pagodas, five-story octagonal, 4.1 meters long each side. 43.7 m high tower, in which Tasha high 10.16 meters. Four windows on each floor, misplaced and white, left and right of each window to set up a light niches. Tower structure, within one to two for the discount on the wall style, stone staircase coiled. Three to five empty drum, wooden ladderBy the wall. Doors and windows tower wall, carved. Each side of the wall are embedded brick, especially 1 to 2 layers on both sides of the brick columns round QT interjection most prominent. 1987, organized by the Provincial Institute of Archaeology, repair and restore the tower part of the canopy. Angle with the angle brackets of eight old berm supporting the closure, the canopy far-reaching. Tween the eight surface support brackets with two truss eaves overhangs, and flying rafters nailed Wangban child, overlying duck watts. After the restoration of the river tower towering spectacular, board tower, thousands of images, panoramic view. Jiang Tower in Wuhu, called for the geographical location of the sign.

Hung in the tower, as the two-Jiang Jiang, Ying Ying dihydrate, dawn dusk, long Taying toward mappingVast river, the clear shift Xi Yi water, waves Taying, beautiful. At night, Yuet Wah Jiaojiao, little fishing boat, rose shadow shift, Huang Ying undulator, with the waves ring tone, even more leisurely Tao Ran.