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The Chibi Ancient Battlefield Scenic Area is constituted by three mountains-Chibi Mountain, Nanping Mountain and Jinluan Mountain. Its main views are as follows:

Cliffside Inscription

There are two words "Chi Bi" on the cliff of Chibi Mountain which border on the river. According to the Hubei Records, after Zhou Yu won a victory in the Chibi Battle, he wrote down these two words when he saw the cliff by the river glowed with the light of the great fire. Each word is 150 centimeters long and 104 centimeters wide. It's also recorded in the book of Chibi Poem Preface written by Xie fangede, a person of the Song Dynasty. The writer sailed a boat against Dongting Lake from Jiangxi a. When he sailed through Puqi, he saw there were two words "Chi Bi" on the cliff. The Cliffside Inscription is the flagship landscape in the Chibi Ancient Battlefield Scenic Area.

The Zilong Beach is located on the right side of Chibi Mountain. It's the first thematic exhibition hall which takes the history of ancient campaigns as subject in China. There are the Preface Hall, the War Situation Model Hall, the Wax Figures Hall of the story about characters in the Three Kimdoms and the Cultural and Historical Data Hall in the museum. All the exhibits truly represent the human history of the late Eastern Han Dynasty and the magnificent scene of the fierce battles in Chibi in the Three Kingdoms.

Zhou Yu Stone Statue

There is an open flat land on the rock spur in Chibi. A stone statue of Zhouyu who was the military governor of Dongwu in the Three Kingdoms stands there. At that time, when the army of Cao Cao was bearing down upon the border, Jiangdong was shocked with the news. Zhou Yu bravely undertook this enormous task. He directed the united army of Sun Quan and Liu Bei to set fire to Cao Cao's fleet and crush his army. This statue reproduces Zhou Yu's heroic posture. The place where the statue lies is the command sentry post where Zhou Yu directed the united army to defeat Cao Cao's army.

Yijiang Pavilion

There are a couple of couplets hung on the pillars. It praises that Sun Quan has the ability to identify capable people and put their talents to best use. Because Chibi Mountain where the pavilion is situated looks like a golden phoenix is fighting against the river with one wing, the pavilion got its name.

Wangjiang Pavilion

Before the Battle of Chibi broke out, Huang Gai has ever stood in the Wangjiang pavilion to look out to Cao Cao's barracks. When he saw that the fleets were joined end to end, he offered a good stratagem of setting fire to the enemy.

The pavilion is located at the top of Nanping Mountain in the southeast of Chibi Mountain. It's built in memory of Zhu Geliang who built an altar and used the east wind to help Zhou Yu in the Battle of Chibi. It's originally built in the 38th year of the Wanli Reign of the Ming Dynasty (A.D.1610).The Baifeng Tower is made up of the front temple and the back temple. The statues of Zhu Gekiang and the three Brothers (Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei) lie in the back temple now. The eyes of Zhu Geliang look like shooting stars. He closes his mouth with a smile on his face.It seems that he has some clever trick up his sleeve.

Fengchu Temple

Early in the Western Jin Dynasty, the Fengchu Temple was built in honor of Pang Tong. Pang Tong's style is Shi Yuan. His alias is Feng Chu. He was born in Xian gyang, Hubei. Before the Battle of Chibi, he has ever buried himself and studied books on the art of war. Then, he met Jiang Gan by chance. He followed Jiang Gan to cross the river and pretended to go over to Cao Cao. He offered the pile-ups stratagem to Cao Cao. He made the fleet of Cao Cao joined end to end. He helped Zhou Yu and Huang Gai succeed in setting fire to the fleet of Cao Cao. The statue of Pang Tong was placed in the Fengchu Temple. At the two sides of the statue, it's a couple of couplets. It was written by Gu Fuchu, a famous poet of the Qing Dynasty. There is a huge iron bell. It was cast in the Qing Dynasty, bearing an inscription about building the temple.

Chibi Stele Gallery:

The Chibi Stele Gallery is on the right side of the Baifeng Tower. There are 25 marble steles in total. 25 poems composed by famous poets of past dynasties are engraved on these steles. These poems all praised the Battle of Chibi. These handwritings all come from famous calligraphers at that time.

Background of the site

In the 13th year of the Jian'an Reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D.208), Cao Cao led a large army of more than 200,000 solders down to the south. They attacked and occupied Xinye and Xiangyang. He continued to lead his army to move downstream to the east from Jiangling. They met with the united army of Sun Quan and Liu Bei of 50,000 solders who sailed up the river. The first battle between the army of Cao Cao and the united army broke out in Chibi. Cao Cao's army failed. They went bake to the north of the lower reaches of the Changjiang River. They are stationed in Wulin( today's Wulin Commune in Honghu County). Two armies lined up on opposite banks of the river. Then, the united army of Sun Quan and Liu Bei skillfully use fire to defeat Cao Cao's army. When the southeast wind blowed hard, the united army set fire to the barrack of Cao Cao. With the help of the wind, the lighted boats ran straight toward the barrack of Cao Cao. All boats were fired suddenly. The flames lit up the sky. The whole surface of the river was soon enveloped in flames. The cliffs on the south bank of the river were ablaze with flame. Chi Bi got it name because of this. The united army followed up their victory by attacking Cao Cao's army. Cao Cao led his rest army to flee to Jiangling via the Huarong path (in the northwest of today's Jianbie County). It laid the foundation that the whole country was divided into three parts by the states of Wei, Shu and Wu. This battle is the famous Battle of Chibi in Chinese History.