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Ji Hongchang was born in 1895, in Fugou, Henan province of China. He started his military career in 1913 under the leadership of Gen. Feng Yuxiang. He was the commander of the 22nd Army when he was nominated as Ningxia chairman. Refusing to attack the Red Army led by the Communist Party while the whole country was threatened by Japan, he was sacked by Chiang Kai-shek and ordered to "observe and study" abroad. He returned to China in 1932.

Before his death, Ji reportedly asked his executioner for a chair, citing that he was a patriot fighting Japanese invaders and therefore should neither be kneeling nor falling when he dies, as well as demanding to be shot from the front, as he wanted to "see how the enemy's bullet kills me".

Ji Hongchang former places of residence - Tianjin heritage conservation units. Tianjin is located in a zone of peace, Garden Road on the 4th. Is a European-style red level 2 small building, also known as the "red chamber." Winter 1932, the Chinese communists is the famous patriotic general Ji Hongchang from Shanghai to Tianjin in this living, and engaged in revolutionary activities, the CPC party organizations here will become an important anti-Japanese armed activity. 1November 9, 1934 in Tianjin Ji Hongchang arrested, 24 in Peking heroic Jiuyi.