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Shenzhen Weather

75F ~ 88F
Showers To Light Rain
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Nan'ao, a famous little fishing village, is a natural shelter and national fishing port. There are modern dwellings on one side of the bay, and various fishing vessels berth at the other side. The bay is sprinkled with tiny lights, which is as beautiful as a picture. When you look closer, you will fell the desire to step onto a boat and speed away with yourself identified with water and sky. The paradisiacal peace will be melted by the voice of yachts once in a while. When the sun is sinking in the west, it emits a thousand golden rays, and sky links with water, that's why Nan'ao at dusk is most beautiful.
Address: Nan'ao Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen City
(1) By bus: by No. 360 in the city.
(2) Driving: pass Yantian, go on to the Yanba Highway, and follow those signs along the way