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79F ~ 90F
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Luobi Cave is about 15 km northeast of sanya,is shrouded in unwritten history and an enduring legend.The rock formation is located in the liang keng slope of Litchi Furrow at an elevation of 110 meters,The cave itself is about 12 meters high at its mouth,reaching to a height of about 22 meters at its center,where two pen-shaped stalactites hang from the roof.The cave and surrounding area are of archaeological significance. At the Luobi Cave you can view mysterious and exciting stalactites and at the Pearl Culture Centre you might just leave with a jewel of the ocean-a symbol of good luck in China.

It is a small peak and is a traveling scenic spot of Sanya City. There are innumerable limestone melted caves with all sorts of strange and unusual shapes. Among the famous are the three Dongting Lake laying on the east of the mountain-the Luobiyou, the Xianlang hole and the Fairy hole. The Luobi Cave is under the cliff on the east of Yingling Range. There are many towering ancient trees outside the cave. There was this fable that an eminent monk settled in this quiet place and was cremated here after he died. The sagging hung stalactite looks like two suspension pens, hence the name.


7 total car station, take bus to Sanya College. Get off at the school gate is put pen to paper hole, 3 per fare.