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59F ~ 70F
Light Rain - Moderate Rain To Cloudy
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China is one of the ancient civilizations, in the long history of China, the Chinese nation created a remarkable culture. The celadon in Chuzhou, is a geeks of the brilliant cultural spriing graden.

Ye Yingting is a folk collector who is intimate connected with Chuzhou celadon. He is crazy to the Chuzhou celadon and research and collect Chuzhou celadon for more than 20 years.

According to his own unique and rational perspective, he collected different historical periods of Chuzhou celadon that can be greatful. In this foundation, he founded the first folk private celadon museum, called Lishui Chuzhou Celadon Museum.

Opening Times; 08: 00 - 17:00    
Traffic: Bus 9, 16