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Lishui Weather

59F ~ 70F
Light Rain - Moderate Rain To Cloudy
SE at 30km/h To
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The historical cultural city, Longquan is famous for its unique porcelain, sword and mushroom culture. It has a long history, is gathering of talents and abundant cultural relic.

Longquan Museum is a educational base of the historical culture of Longquan, is also a travel spot for the people which are from other places.

The eastern of the hall is Longyuan Park, the southern is Longquan Hotel, and the northwestern is Chlidren's Park and Spots Grounds.

Around the hall, there are planting pine and bluish green cypress. It is a beautiful scene. Cultural relics are more abundant, like the stone axe, stone spears and cermet of the neolithic; the Bronze Sword of the Warring States Period; more than 3,000 celadon of Tang.

Ticket: CNY12