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57F ~ 79F
Light Rain To Showers
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Dayan Town, built all the houses in a nail when not in use, to fully utilize the Chuan Dou-style wooden structure; the rational use of water resources is a major undertaking town, from the ancient city north of the river flow to the Black Dragon';s Yuquan Jade Belt bridge, was divided into East and West, the three streaming into the city, forming a ring and the flow of the city water system, so each has a river flowing in front, and at the center of the Square Street slightly raised, surrounded by dent, when the sluice, taken together, when the water swept over the ground to flow to every street, the shops on the ground by the colored stone washed clean.

December 4, 1997, LijiangCity is a UNESCO World Heritage Committee for inclusion in the "World Heritage List."

"Bridges people," which is used to describe the style of Suzhou residential areas, but when you walk into Old Town of Lijiang, which is the town of Dayan, you will find here more harmony between man and nature.

With wins climb to see the ancient city of the situation. Clever use of the ancient city of the terrain, the West has the Lion Rock, north Xiangshan, Jinhong Hill, back to the northwest and southeast, away from the mountain cold, escorts southeast winds, wind gathers gas reservoir, ideally located minutes away.

Linhe on the water and watch the ancient city of regime. Full use of the ancient city of spring waterOf it, so that a jade river in the city is divided into three, three into nine, and then divided into countless drains. So that Main Street near the river, temporary drainage alley, so clean and vibrant city.

Going from hospital to enjoy the ancient architecture. City buildings are all ancient courtyard houses, housing construction rough, while the courtyard house layout and rich and delicate decorative detail, residents hi planting flowers and trees seasons, forming a beautiful harmony between man and nature.

Market across the bridge, the list of city layout. Free and flexible layout of the ancient city, eclectic, houses, market, roads, water and everything is reasonably organized, properly configured, plus Shangshih, stone bridge, wooden bridge, flowers and birdsInsects, fish, poetry and painting, folk customs, Health issued infinite charm, to the ancient city of unique charm.


In the city, any vehicle can not travel, we can only walk.


80 (city maintenance fee)