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Huzhou Weather

82F ~ 91F
Thundershowers To Sunny
SE at 60km/h To 50km/h
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Located 10 km north of Huzhou City, Huanglong foothills. Rock Lake is a large cave bomb.
The main chamber hole 45 meters long, 20 meters wide, 20 meters high. Cave covered with stalactites, strange, big and small are prepared. The largest piece, the front resembles a white Jade Goddess of Mercy, on the back like the Wind willows. There is a stalactite roof, winds more than 30 meters, like a swimming dragon, end to end Linzhao faintly discernible, due to the name of holes.
There are many holes in the west side of interoperability, all Tunnel junction, a stalactite tens of meters high from the roof, "diarrhea", the shape of a waterfall. Stone waterfall opposite the large horn-shaped stalactite nearly support, tapping sounds sweet, sound rich, crisp mixed. Compiled by high and low tone chime stones, can play music.
Roof addition to limestone, as well as natural wonders big dragon egg. Hole cliff 100 meters northwest, there Huanglong Cave. Looking down like a giant well, dark deep. North of Taihu Lake, Tianshui color. Before the rock lined hole, a history of the Cliff.

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15 yuan