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Zhoushan Weather

70F ~ 81F
Cloudy To Light Rain
SE at 30km/h
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The bird island, located in the sea southeast of Wanning City, there are two islands three peaks, area of 4.36 square kilometers, the main peak of 289.3 meters high, is the largest island along the coast of Hainan. Song has been a symbol of navigation, but also China';s only swiftlet origin, continent bird';s nest on the production here.
Big Island tours sea view or a tourist destination, the island is divided into North Little Ridge, South Ridge, the middle of a beach 500 meters long connected to the clear waters around underwater to see 5 to 10 meters, if the dive, You can see the colorful underwater world. In 1990, the Great Island was approved as a national marine ecosystems to climate nature reserves.

Special Reminder:
Must bring their own drinking water well, if it is inconvenient, the island can only buy a small store drinks, instant noodles and other foods. Want to stay on the island, it is best to bring your own tent, or build a simple fishermen afraid I can not shed too many people only put.

1, Haikou East Station to the Mannings ,8:00-19: 15, one train every 30 minutes, fare 22-36 yuan. Bus Terminal and then Mannings sat in the town of Orchard Field CMB, 2 yuan fare, and then in the town charter to the island and the boat back and forth 300 yuan, 250 yuan ordinary ship.

2, the car from Sanya to the Mannings 7:00-18:00, every half hour, fare 22 yuan, to the attractions of the traffic above.