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   On April 27th, 1911, the United Parties led by Dr. Sun Yatsen held the 10th unsuccessful uprising to overthrow the Qing Dynasty. 72 Martyrs were laid to rest on the Huanghua Hill (Yellow Flowers Hill).

Originally planned to take place on April 13th (March 15th of the Chinese calendar), the uprising was joined by some 500 volunteers with Zhao Sheng as the commanding officer and Huang Xing as his vice-commander. They planned to simultaneously attack several strategic points of Guangzhou city and after the seizure of the town lead the troops north to Hunan and Jiangxi Province toward the town of Nanjing.

Struggled by shortage of funds and weapons, the uprising had to be postponed for two weeks. Additional to that, the tighten security after the assassination of one of the Qing's generals had strongly affected the initial plans of the insurrection. Unfortunately these conditions weakened the revolutionary network. Not until the afternoon before the uprising did Zhao Sheng and his troops , who were scattered and hiding in the suburbs of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and some surrounding towns and villages, receive the confirmation of the exact date. And thus they were unable to arrive in Guangzhou on time. With all these problems, Huang Xing, the vice-commanding officer was forced to start the rebellion with highly reduced number of followers.

On April 27th, 1911, at 5:30 in the evening, Huang Xing leading a little over 100 revolutionaries attacked the Governor's office building. In the meanwhile, another smaller group led by Yu Peilun and Yao Guoliang joined them. They tried to capture the governor Zhang Mingqi and force him to turn against the Qing government. But the governor had escaped the plot and hidden himself at a local naval base. Not having attained their objective, the revolutionaries managed to put the government buildings on fire and continued fighting against Qing's followers on the streets of Guangzhou.

Being without the planned support of the Qing troops, lost communication between the revolutionaries' groups and heavily outnumbered by the Qing followers, the insurrection fell. Although the uprising did not succeed, it did though strengthen the fighting spirits against the Qing government and lay a solid foundation for later Wuchang Uprising, which successfully ended the rule of the Qing dynasty.

After the fall of the uprising, the Qing government decided to leave the dead bodies on the streets to warn the opposition against any future revolts. On May 3rd, 1911, Pan Dawei, one of the members of the United Parties, under the threat of his life, organized the crew to bury the dead at the location of today's memorial park.