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Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu once wrote a "shrine where the chancellor search, Kam Bo Sensen official outside the city," the poem, depicting the Temple of Marquis Wu is the place.

Temple of Marquis Wu in Chengdu, Temple Street outside the Old 231 South, covering 37,000 square meters, construction began in 223 AD, Hui Ling, the Qing Emperor Kangxi ten year renewal.

Construction layout

Temple faces south, Cooper green, red walls surround. The main building for the door, two doors, Liu Bei Hall, hall, Zhuge Liang Hall, and they are on the same axis. Two things to the house and the house of Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang had room to room house with something both sidesTo form two groups of Tetraena structures. Axis on both sides with a garden building sites and construction subsidiary.

There Shu Cinei clay as 47 historical figures, such as high ranging from 1.7 to 3 meters, are from the hands of the Qing Dynasty folk artists. Shu monarch breakdown from top to bottom, gather together, constitute the largest national group of three human sculptures.

The west side is the tomb of Liu Bei, known as Hui Ling, tomb mound 12 meters high, 180 meters circumference, the tomb of the "Emperor Ling Han Zhaolie" tombstone.

Precious relics

In addition to the statue, the military still waiting Cinei stele, Couplet, and Ding, furnace, bell, drumAnd other artifacts, including the most precious monument to Tang. Tang monument stands in the door between the door from the high 367 cm, 95 cm wide, was built in Emperor Xian Zong Yuan and four years have elapsed since 1100. Prime minister Tang Fei, a famous monument degree by the author, calligrapher Liu Gong Chao (chuo) writing, Lu Jian Ming Jiang Juan (juan) moment, because the article, calligraphy, inscribed are from famous, but by the world as the "Monument Ruin" .

In addition, the Temple of Marquis Wu can also see a lot of historical figures, or figures of that history to pay their respects, especially in late Qing Dynasty, "Liu fan" and "hearts and minds together," and "According to legend, the" handwriting of Zhuge Liang Yue Fei Song, "aBiao "the most famous.

Temple is the only monarch Enshrined Temple, Zhuge Liang is also the largest ancestral halls, the "three holy" reputation. There Shu Han regime during the statue of almost all the important people, these familiar characters and their interpretation of the story will take you through time and space and return to the thrilling war a thousand years ago.

Kam is the famous Temple in the east, there to eat, see, fun. More than 300 meters long street, a tavern, teahouse, restaurant, bar, Silk Brocade Shu embroidery, bamboo craft, Zhuge Liannu and so on. Make sure to Teng hereEmpty stomach, full wallet Oh!


Take 1,8,53,57,59,82,109,110,301,302,335,503 other bus to arrive, see the city bus route map.

Chadianzi taxi from the bus terminal in the past about 25 yuan.


Ticket price: 58 yuan (postagePostcards, tickets 60 yuan), the annual ticket 100.

Tour hours: Summer 7:30-21:00; winter 8:00-18:30.