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Cangzhou Weather

68F ~ 88F
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Cangxian County is located in Cangzhou Iron Lion northerly 16.5 km southeast of the resident. Dong Guan Cun is located in the west 0.5 km. Height 5.78 meters Iron Lion, long 5.34 m wide and 3.17 meters, weighs about 50 tons. Legend has it that carrying giant pots of lotus of Manjusri sit with lion body and the south, head southwest, the two front left foot, right foot and then the two after the move was like, grand gesture, dignity and slowly, such as pig iron lion is scared of large Qiao Cast iron process. Also our famous monuments, dating back more than a thousand years of history.

After the liberation of iron lion by the party and government attention and protection, the State Council first put it outAs the first batch of major cultural relics, and its various repairs. 1957 to be completed by the competent authorities item fill toe and repair pool was built pavilion, surrounded with railings, built after the Iron Lion Pavilion see the sun, oxidation rapidly removed in 1972 will be booths.