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Liu Lixin County in the set, the cemetery covers an area of 3,600 square meters. North and south behind the monument offering five rows, each row of things 5, a total of 25 tombs of martyrs. May 11, 1948, the PLA Yu Wansu District XI Group (Yongsan military code was used), after analysis of the enemy, according to Xinhua that the North return to six-partition, New seventy-four against enemy divisions, with the Chinese army will field Yudong campaign began. Liu Liu dyeing temporary way to town, wearing Zhuang, Zhangzhuang, Xuzhuang area. KMT division in New seventy-four Ju Mong Tuan Dong set point more than 1,200 people, I';m the resident to search for invasion. Eleventh round heads of the enemy Soviet observed immediately afterOrder blocking the enemy troops from three sides. After a day of fierce fighting, the end to win.

To commemorate the sacrifice in the battle of revolutionary martyrs, Lixin County People';s Government in 1983, Liu set at the south end of the construction of a Martyr. Small area of the cemetery, no longer meet the development needs of the situation in 1999, Lixin county government decided to move the new cemetery site. The Martyrs patriotism education base for the county. Annual festival, the majority of cadres and young students to come to pay homage sweep, cherish the memory of martyrs.