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Zhuhai Weather

77F ~ 82F
Heavy Rain
SW at 20km/h To
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Zhuhai City Qi'ao Island, situated on the west side of the mouth of Pearl River, is the first gate in the Zhujiang estuary. Spectacular natural landscapes abound here, with eight special places marked out for visitors. Take a stroll into the past at the neolithic site of Sand Hill, the Qi'ao Ancestral Temple built in the Song Dynasty, the Queen of Heaven Palace of the Ming Dynasty, the Wenchang Palace from the Qing Dynasty, and a 280-year-old banyan tree.

How to get there: Bus No.85 at Tangjia Town, Zhuhai

Admission: Fee

Accommodation: Qiao Island itself is aAll "external closure" of the village formed to find a place to live outside the village, it is that does not pay (because like village, then we should then be submitted to a village fee), the village has houses for rent, cheap and comfortable.

Food: After Qiao Island mangroves, you can eat seafood trash mud simmer chicken.

Drink well water boiled to the official Village of sesame paste, all the taste is not the same.

To Tangjiawan, you know what is called a fruit tea, that tea was originally a Cantonese dim sum earlier.

There are town "on the beach," Tang shop Laotang Qiao simmer chicken mud in mangrove, The old grandmother';s sweet potato ginger syrup.