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Zhuhai Weather

82F ~ 90F
Showers To Moderate Rain
SW at 20km/h
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Fortress Hill is located in Beaconsfield. In the first Opium War, the Qing government lost control of Macao';s military after the 1841 stone fort built Latta, troops stationed in flood also responsible for closing business. August 22, 1849, the closing occurred Shen Lung Tin Yami and other young people to assassinate the Governor of Macau Ya Male events. 25, the Macanese authorities in Britain, France and the United States with the support of closing areas blatantly offensive and captured Latta Stone Fort. In 1890, the Guangzhou government officials Cai Guozhen the face of the former Portuguese coastal mountains to move mountains, Wan Chai, expansion, etc. HengqinZhang and military provocations, without fear of violence, decided to lead the troops recovered Latta Stone Fort, then enhance the land, waters fortified military cloth. Republic of China in the next half century, Rata Stone Fort was a frontier military areas, but also off the land Gongbei China Customs anti-smuggling headquarters in November 1949 by the People';s Liberation Army took over.