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Zhuhai Weather

77F ~ 82F
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The 583-meter-high mountain is located in central and west Doumen District, and is known as the "first peak in the mouth along the gateway to the Pearl River". It covers an area of more than 30 square kilometers.

Huangyang Mountain, which is located at the mid-western part of Doumen District, Zhuhai City, is regarded as the "first peak in the mouth along the gateway to the Pearl River".
Huangyang Mountain covers an area of more than 30 square kilometers. It has eight well-known attractions, including: green tea fields, Jintai Temple, "the First Stone Gate", the deep pool, clear springs with a lovely waterfall, Zhang Shijie's cemetery, among others. Among the attractions here, Jintai Temple is most famous. Built in 1772, the temple is located on the foot of the south face.

Entrance Fee: CNY 30

Opening Hours: 08:00-17:30

How to get there: take Bus 603 to get there