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Xuchang Weather

66F ~ 88F
Overcast To Sunny
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City, southwest of the city is located in Yu Shan Town, the end of Wu Hung-Chang village. Huasheng shrines in the old village of a start-up in the Tang Dynasty, was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, the number of pieces of public residue Gar. Huasheng the newly built temple, back Jiulongshan. Front gate, two walls painted Wu Daozi of masterpieces; gates are Beilang, tree paintings famous inscriptions; East and West rooms, relics on display proper way track child Jane; Huasheng Basilica, is on the three peaks Michiko Sanyo';s tomb, drink cow pits, holes and riddles founder peak. Bring up the rear with the corner gate, true color Cave through eighth serial, Yamashita is a blue river, by Taiwan fishing boats can watch Wu Daozi. Is aAt the natural beauty and harmony between human landscape, quality entertainment and culture of the party linked to the Holy Land.

Huasheng shrine; Jiulongshan Huasheng cemetery; Huasheng Beilin. Traffic

Car lines: from Xuchang Yuzhou turn away walk S237 to S231, go to God Hou Yuzhou road to see the area within the town of David Chang about 1 km turn left at the sign that is.

Tickets: Free
Hours :8:00-18: 00 (summer), 16:00 (winter)