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Xinzhou Weather

66F ~ 97F
Light Rain To Overcast
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Bend county located 35 kilometers southeast of Old County village outside the South. Founded in the Ming Dynasty, Ming burned by the peasant revolution, reconstruction Shunzhi years.

Tide with the mountain hut, built from north to south. Temple faces south, the whole building structured, small and exquisite. Water, calmly walked around the hills, guhuai trees, evergreen Neisong Bo Temple, Incense smoke.
& Nbsp; are there halls, housing more than 70, the statue more than 20 statues. Including a gate, main hall, wave pad Hall East Hall, West Hall Lan thermal Hall, the Sutra Hall, the house both cattle and nine division Tayuan. Um tide beautiful, imposing,
Lifelike Buddha Temple; stone railing sophisticated technology. Dazzling gold plaque inscription; recreate themselves every couplet; murals, antique altar; stone stele of the temple';s history records, is a preserved ancient buildings.