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Wuhu Weather

75F ~ 88F
Cloudy To Moderate Rain
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Is located in Wuhu City, Anhui Province, Ji Xin Wuqu Street 28, 1887 by the French design and supervision, the church is brick wooden stone mixed structure, in May 1891 the church and the local people in conflict, the church was burned, and after the Qing government Shanghai French Consulate in agreement with the one hundred and thirty thousand taels of silver in situ reconstruction. Again been destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, rebuilt in 1983.

Latin Catholic Church plane was "ten" shape, architectural style of the Roman style, two front left and right about 18 meters high bell tower, clock tower is between the top of the church, and the above stands the statue of Jesus, the upright body and Stretch cross into the armsAbout 5 meters high "cross", meaning for salvation, the species of white symbolizes holiness.

Church from the east to the west, a long cross by plane, 17 meters wide, 27 meters at its widest point east to west up to 39 meters, the highest point of the tower is 29 meters. Semicircular arch structure is the composition of the basic elements of its construction. Gallery Gallery in the straight and cross the intersection has three altars, the center is the adoptive father of Jesus San Jose, on the left is the Virgin Mary, the right is the Son Jesus, the walls painted with the "Bible" color story.

Traffic Wuhu Mirror Lake area is located in the territory of Kyrgyzstan and the street, across from a guitar and square. City bus, taxi can be reached, bus 2-way, 8, 13 and roads.