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Wuhan Weather

70F ~ 84F
Cloudy To Overcast
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Address:  Yuema Square, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province., Wuhan, Hubei

Price Range: CNY20.

Hours:  8;30-17;30

The Wuchang Uprising began with the dissatisfaction of the handling of a railway crisis. The crisis then escalated to an uprising where the revolutionaries went up against Qing government officials. The uprising was then assisted by the New Army in a coup against their own authorities in the city of Wuchang, Hubei province on October 10, 1911.[1] The Battle of Yangxia led by Huang Xing would be the major battle in the uprising. These events served as a catalyst to the Xinhai Revolution, which led to the collapse of the Qing dynasty and the establishment of the Republic of China (ROC).

The major building of Memorial Hall of Wuchang Uprising in 1911 Revolution is a two-storey red building, called "Red Chamber". It has Bizhang Square, flower-bed and fountain in the front, as well as the statue of Sun Yat-sen. The hall has the exhibits of the Wuchang Uprising, the achievements of Sun Yat-sen, Huangxing, etc. There are over 1000 culture relics and over 10000 historic pictures related to the Revolution in 1911 in the hall.