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Wuhan Weather

77F ~ 93F
Cloudy To Light Rain
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The Liberation Park is a household word in Wuhan, as it is rare to have a park that sits in the center of the city and has an area of 550,155 square yards. Before the founding of PRC there was once a race ground for merchants of foreign powers, and in 1953, the Government started the construction of park, and, in 1955, the park was completed and opened to the public and it was named the Liberation Park.

Originally, the Liberation Park was built with ponds, brooks, woods, lawns, slopes and tower gardens; garden landscapes such as the Plum Hill, May flower Ridge, Oriental Cherry Slope, Miniature Garden and so on. Later, gradually, various forms of amusement for the tourists came along: cinema, tennis court, swimming pool, and bowling alley. With the Reform and Opening to the outside world, the Park has seen the arrival of Ferris Wheels, Spaceships, Flying Carpet, Super Spring, Space Travel and other modern tourist programs.

Entrance Fee: Free

Opening Hours: 06:00 - 22:00

Bus Routes: Take Bus No. 4, 24, 502, 509, 526, 802 or 805 and get off at the Liberation Park.