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Suzhou Weather

70F ~ 82F
Cloudy To Overcast
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    Zhongyuan Temple is located in Lianhua road , Yangcheng island , Weiting town , Suzhou Industrial Park . The original name was Zhongxuan Temple , was builted in 503 A.D. , in the sme time with HanShan temple, LingYan temple and the holy temple .In November 2003 the approval of the people's government of jiangsu province menstruation recovery Zhongyuan temple .

    Suzhou Zhongyuan temple ten top in the whole country : the highest water Avalokitesvara pavilion ; the heaviest Avalokitesvara carving ; the heaviest bronze clock ; the highest halls , and so on .

     Take the bus ,  road 109, road 126, road 128 to the "Zhongyuan temple" stand .