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   Meditation garden. South Classical Gardens. Located in the outskirts of Suzhou, Wujiang City, covering a hundred acres.

   The Garden of Quiet Meditation was built in the 11th to 13th year of Qing dynasty's Guangxu period (1885-1887 A.D.). The garden owner's name was Ren Lansheng. He had also been dismissed from office, and in order to remedy for his wrongdoings he gave the garden its name. The garden designer's name was Yuan Long; he was well versed in poetry, literature, calligraphy and painting. Following the characterstics of water county he designed it carefully, and then spent two years to build it. The garden occupies a little less than 0.65 hectare, and combines many different garden construction methods; and is a specimen of excellence.

   Garden building small and unique, there Heting bridge, small Chui Hong, Jing Yuan Tang, Fantasy Books, Pang Hill Cottage, Su brick and bonsai garden, ancient scientists Beilang, Yong Shi Poetry Gallery and other attractions. "Qing Yun Feng," more than nine meters high and weighs one hundred thirty-six tons, the highest Lingbi Dan Guinness the most records. (Online Abstract) Mr. Fei Xiaotong meditation garden is named, oh. From Italy in Zhuge Liang's "indifferent to Ming-chih, Calm Zhiyuan."

   Water forms the central point of the Garden of Quiet Meditation, with buildings and rockeries arranged along the water's edge; buildings are erected close to the water surface, emphasizing the vastness of the water area. Thus it is also called Tieshui Garden. Special for the Garden of Quiet Meditation is that water and buildings are very close; as if the garden floats on water. Compared to other gardens, this gives the feeling of motion.