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Suzhou Weather

66F ~ 81F
SE at 30km/h To 20km/h
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Linwu Cave

    Linwu Cave located on a lakeside in the east of Xishan. The roof of the cave is quite flat, and there are numerous stones in it. The cave is known as "the ninth cave under heaven". It is an important place for Taoism activities in ancient times.

    For centuries Linwu Cave has been considered a sacred spot by Doaists and not too long ago it was well known for turning out mild mannered monks that could kill you with one hand using their Tiger-style Kung Fu. There are still monks living on the mountain but not much Kung Fu. Go to the top of the island and you'll get a sprawling view of the lake dotted with islands. Go down from the top and you'll find a massive cave bigger than most city blocks. Linwu Cave was the right choice on that hot day because the temperature inside is perfectly cool. This cave has it all: water, stalactites and stalagmites. The 691 bus will get you to the cave but you'll have to first board the 69 bus (the route begins at the train station) if you want to get to the island itself. Lastly, the roads on the island are dotted with pears, grapes, oranges and pomegranates and they are all ready to eat this month.

The Sea of Plum Blossom close to Linwu

    The garden is located to the north of Linwu Cave. It has four green spaces, namely, Junzi Garden, three durable plants of winter- pine, bamboo and plum blossom, four beauties, and the winter plum blossom. It is the biggest base for admiring plum blossom, and for studying the culture of plum blossom