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77F ~ 84F
Showers To Moderate Rain
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Xu Hui Village is located in the city to the port end of the village street road Feng, built when the Jiajing years (1522-1566) room. Four-post the third floor, flat square with a side length of 3.8 meters, 11 meters high, beams and columns for the granite, workshops and panels are purple rock. Ridge eaves flowers arch, sparrow carved flowers. The actual closure of four from a single room Arch. South denomination Square engraved "Taiwan constitution," the word, note pad "things Yunnan Justice Ye Qian Cheng Yee." Zheng Qi, Feng mouths, Jiajing twenty-six years (1547) Scholars, North denomination Square Inscription "reform and open gifts," "Tingwei" and note "Deputy Zheng Tingxuan supreme court left the words". Argentina declared closed due to terrible. West "Enrong""Scholars" and other words. No word east. The Square is a rare configuration.