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Qingyuan, Guangdong Weather

79F ~ 86F
Heavy Rain To Rainstorm
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Niuyuzui is 83km from Guangzhou, close to Qingyuan City. The scenic area is home to a wild, sub-tropical botanical garden used as a research base by biologists of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Famed for its beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains, Niuyuzui is abundant in breathtaking natural scenery, from rare rock formations to waterfalls, ancient trees to wild flowers. It is also home to a tourist resort and various recreational amenities.

The first part is main to "Lingnan the first river", and its theme is viewing the primordial plant and primordial scen, and you will enjoy the excitement and fun of exploration. There are two prominent characteristic: one is hasing many kinds of Old Vine; the other one is hasing many kinds of fern. Niuyuzui Scenic Area is fit this characteristic.

The second part is main to "Niuyu Lake". Its theme is relaxation, entertainment and going vacationing. The whole landscape of lakes and mountains are very beautiful that you will enjoy yourself so much as to forget to leave.

Ticket: CNY68