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China-Japan Friendship Forest, located in the Meiling Scenic Area, is China';s Jiangxi Province to commemorate the friendly exchanges between Japan and the fifth anniversary of Gifu Prefecture, as a symbol of friendship and cooperation building.

June 21, 1988, Wu governor of Jiangxi Province and the governor of Gifu Prefecture, on Songyang help exchange of memoranda in Gifu Prefecture, the official conclusion of the friendly relations between. June 18, 1993, the fifth anniversary of the friendly county in the provinces memorial ceremony, the Deputy Governor and Deputy Governor Shu Shengyou Tadao Iwasaki exchanged the Memorandum of Sino-Japanese Friendship Forest, to build friendship between China and Japan to formalize forest area of 100.7 hectares, located at Meiling ScenicSpot wash medicine lake. Japan burden of construction funds ten million yen, the Chinese side the burden of land preparation and tree protection and tending the cost of facilities maintenance and management.

China-Japan Friendship Forest built monument, 6.8 meters high, 2.4 meters long, 1.65 meters wide, is located in the 1.05 m high, with an area of 125 square meters of the base. Patterns hidden in the monument at the word, the image of the blooming flowers, the implication for the Sino-Japanese friendship, such as flowers, like people, pure, beautiful, always. Monument to the north, the south sides of the white marble, carved Wu wrote the governor and the governor of Gifu Prefecture in the Japanese monument. In the East and West sides of the largeMarble, and were engraved with the Japanese introduction of Sino-Japanese Friendship Forest.

March 1995 from a total of planting Japanese cherry, Chinese plum, ginkgo, tulip tree, red maple, slash pine, Pinus taiwanensis in seven species, namely, 14739.


219 Road to get off the bus Wanli interchange 112 to the peace of the car, can be.