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Tiantangzhai Scenic Area is located. Museum started in December 2006, May 14, 2007 to complete all construction, decoration, exhibition work and officially opened. Construction area of 3,000 square meters, the main exhibition area of 1,000 square meters.

Mountain Area museum covers all the typical rock (ore) material samples and the state primary and secondary protection of animal and plant specimens, a domestic first-class production technology and high-tech exhibition program, thousands of pieces of specimen (in kind) in the spotlight irradiation shine, rock (ore) material crystal clear, all kinds of plants and animals to life.

Museum also set the domesticSand table model of the largest geological features in the area of 40 square feet for display of the Dabie Mountains (Luan) National Geological Park of 450 square kilometers in the mountains, rivers, Xianfeng valleys, towns, roads, whether it is male show granite peak cluster, or blue boundless expanse of the lake landscape, are all truly realistic, demonstrating the risk of Dabie Mountains, Jun, show, strange natural landscape. Ecological Park at the same time deep into the museum auditorium and three-dimensional video, but also the full range of experience as immersive as the Dabie the magic of national geological park.

Dabie Mountain peak covered with white pines sharp rocks Peak, northeast slope of both branches of the Millennium Park, Du Juan, The growth of thousands of trees have branches of varying posture Du, warm spring flowers, mountains and plains.

Dabie Mountain Village Resort, located in the Dabie Mountains 950 meters above sea level sharp peak at the White Horse. High-end positioning in the major consumer groups. The room also has one-fifth of middle and low price for the.

