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Lishui Weather

70F ~ 77F
Moderate Rain - Heavy Rain To Light Rain
E at 20km/h
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Walk out Songyang County, there is a Wujin Village in the northewest. Walk into the village, you can see a wood carving art palace - Songyang Huang Courtyard. Huang's Family became the local distinguished family through near one hundred years and the "plum blossom pavilion" and "kiyonori kikutake pavilion" were built in the backyard from Tongzhi Years. And built a "skill building" in the middialyard in Guangxu Years and built "longevity hall" in the forecount in seven years (1918).

The "longevity hall" in the forecount is called "Qijian". Its building width is 27.6m and depth 33.8m, there are 172 pillars parlleling in the middle of the hall. Standing in the "longevity hall", you will feel enjoy yourself in a art gallery.

The subject  of backyard is the plum chrysanthemum hall. The carving are all rounded with this theme, especially the carving of the window lattice are meticulous, really impressive.